There is lots of forest and you can be within a tank of gas from many large eastern cities. The best safe haven is the Cumberland Plateau, which has less rain and is safer from refugee influx than the highly rated Blue Ridge Mountains.
The elevation ranges from 1,500 to 1,800 feet and is very lightly populated. There is plenty of water available up on top and relatively cheap forested land. Between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Cumberland Plateau is a series of ridges and valleys which serve as important barriers to travel and one of the reasons why this area provides good retreats.
Tennessee is also home to the most caves in the United States, with over 8,350 in the mountains and hills. Chattanooga is the biggest major city within an hour of the high security Cumberland Plateau.
The town of Spencer is approximately in the middle of the tabletop and McMinnville is the largest medium sized city closest to this area of the plateaus. On the bluffs, grand views of the lower countryside are magnificent, but too far away for anyone to notice from the valleys below. The best locations are along routes 8 and 111 that cross the plateau south of Spencer.
Strategic Threats. . . Did you Know?
The Russians are building tremendous new nuclear/ biological and chemical weapons systems--all with the assistance of US technology transfers. They are deploying on average, 3 new Topol-M 6th generation ballistic missiles per month. We built our last MX over 10 years ago, and are disarming unilaterally.
Further, the Russian are building huge underground nuclear bunkers and weapons production facilities in the Ural Mountains, clearly intended to function during a nuclear war. The US intelligence community (under both Republican and Democratic administrations) knows this and are actively covering for the Russians, so the American people won't become alarmed.
Both Republican and Democratic administrations have been supplying the Chinese with high technology weapons systems for years, knowing that they, in turn, are supplying other enemies (Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, North Korea) as well. Both Russia and China continue to protest against any US anti-ballistic missile system, even though such systems are purely defensive.
President Clinton directed our military to absorb a nuclear first strike rather than launch on warning (our only true deterrent to a first strike) and to prepare to retaliate afterward. That first strike will take down all command and control, all bombers most missiles, and all satellite and submarine communications.
Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief attempts to track the insider moves underlying the major stories you hear each week. Joel's purpose and strong point is to help you see how world and national events are shaping up in accordance with the secret agendas of men and groups who control government. The World Affairs Brief puts together the probable set of intentions and motives of the power elite by inductively cataloging their specific actions over time.
What will you do about it?
What is the risk to you and your family if there is a major terrorist attack on a U.S. city with chemical or biological weapons? What will you do?
Did you know the US, by policy, will not retaliate on warning of a nuclear attack --effectively removing any deterrent? Are you prepared if the "unthinkable" happens --nuclear war?
Have you considered what you will do if an economic crisis threatens your pensions, investments and other so-called "guaranteed" income?
What about a major earthquake or other natural disaster suddenly upsetting the natural social order for months at a time? Could you get out of harm's way if massive social unrest erupts in the wake of a crisis?
What about your home? Do you have extra tanks of potable water should public water supplies be cut off or contaminated? Would you know how to collect and filter your own water if none was available for a long time?
The relatively low cost of a Strategic Relocation to the Cumberland Plateau can give you that peace of mind, knowing you and your family are safe no matter what happens to the rest of the nation. Whether your primary residence or the ideal retreat away from population centers, this naturally beautiful area provides some of the best, safest retreats in the U.S..
Joel Skousen is a political scientist, by training, specializing in the philosophy of law and Constitutional theory, and is also a designer of high security residences and retreats. He has designed Self-sufficient and High Security homes throughout North America.
Joel is available to consult privately with individuals to design high security residences and retreats, or to develop contingency plans for emergency situations.